Wishing wells don’t work. Everyone knows that

A couple comes up to a wishing well..👇Continue Reading Below In the first C0MMENT👇

Wishing wells don’t work. Everyone knows that. Right?

…Well, that doesn’t apply to me. Not exactly, anyways. You see, I can…steal wishes, I guess. Pick up a coin from the wishing well across from the bakery down the street and BAM! the wisher’s wishes come true — for me, at least. Learned that the hard way when I was seven and looking for an extra nickel to buy some pop. Grabbed a coin that some teenage girl had chucked, and next thing you know, Brad Summerfield, star quarterback from the local high school, is running after me, declaring his undying love. Made things mighty awkward between our parents at the annual tulip festival that weekend, it did.

But enough about the past. This town may have grown into a right and proper city over the decades, but that ol’ wishing well is still there, waiting for donations from the poor saps that come by. I spend most of my days lurking about, just watching people go by. It’s easy to do when you can turn invisible. Got that from a young lady a long while back. It’s come in quite handy over the years.

Oh, what do we have here? A cute little boy in a tiny black trenchcoat with his ma. Reminds me of myself at that age, it does. They both look like they could use a smile. And what’s this? The boy is throwing a penny into the well? Excellent. It’s time to make my move. Let’s see what he wished for, hmm?

Pretty please, I wish daddy’s che-mo-the-ra-py will work so he can leave the hospital forever!

Ahh, what a sweet lad. Well, he’ll be hearing some good news pretty soon.

See, here’s the thing. I’ve learned that I’ve gotta pick the right target. A nice person who’s not wishing for themselves, but for someone else. And even if I “steal” the wish, it doesn’t matter. The wish still comes true, exactly how it was supposed to.

And why don’t I grab any more wishes for myself, you ask? Ha, that’s an easy one. I’ve got all the wishes I could ever want already! Picked them up as a young man. Good health, more money than I can possibly handle, true love… Yes, passing it forward is best thing to do. Make sure that some wishes do come true.

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