Vet gives puppy death sentence, reaches for needle – then boss takes look at her paws and shouts out… Check comments
Vet gives puppy death sentence, reaches for needle – then boss takes look at her paws and shouts out

People who have ever had to put their dog to sleep know how upsetting it is. But there are times when there is no other way. It’s the nicest thing to do when the pain has been going on for too long.
I hope you never have to go through it, but if you do, you should stay by your best friend’s side until the end. No dog should have to spend its last days on earth alone and scared with strangers.
Starfish, the dog in this story, was found in a box with her legs bent at an odd angle.
It was thought that she would have to be put to sleep at the vet by the person who found her. Because she had been hurt, nothing could be done to help her.
The vet really didn’t want to put her down, but the dog was hurt too badly. She shouldn’t have been kept living.
But just seconds before Starfish was supposed to be put down, the head of the rescue walked in and stopped the process.
Newsweek says she wanted a second opinion on Starfish.
They took the puppy to a different vet. An even better outlook was given after a thorough check.

Starfish was born with a condition called “Swimmer Puppy Syndrome.” But with the right help, she might be able to get better.
Instead of being able to walk like a normal dog, Starfish looked like she would be better at swimming.
But she was really charming. Not long after, someone wanted to adopt her.
“We loved the little dog so much.” “Owner Leigh Anne Gray says she taught us something we had never seen before.
“I grabbed Starfish so quickly when I saw it.”
“She was too weak to be picked up like a normal puppy.” She was so flat that you had to hold her sideways. I grabbed her, though, and wouldn’t let go.
Starfish’s whole family helped her get back to normal right from the start.
Leigh Anne said, “All we had to do was get her feet up under her.”
“Once we got her on the grass and gave her something to hold on to, she would follow us anywhere.”
But Leigh Anne and her family weren’t the only ones who wanted Starfish to do well. The people who work at the animal center also helped.
“She doesn’t understand what’s wrong with her.” She does it again right away. Every day it gets a little better.
Starfish was able to stand up on her own after only two months. She was running quickly like any other puppy.
Everyone in the family was proud and happy to see the brave dog get better.
“That determination and joy for life were missing from me.” I’m glad she came our way.
Starfish went from being very close to dying to being a happy, healthy dog with a bright future.
We dare you to watch the video below and not cry.
Feel free to tell all of your Facebook friends about this sweet story.
Who else thinks that all dogs should be loved and cared for like Starfish?